This year we will be studying ways to use algebraic techniques to make counts of combinatorial objects.  As usual, algebra comes to the rescue.  We'll be encountering Burnside's Lemma and Polya's theory of counting.  In the process, we will learn a bit about permutation groups, and groups acting on sets.  But rest assured that no previous experience with groups is assumed or required! 

The course meets each Thursday at noon, in Tutt Science Center 215.  We'll have three meetings per block.

To the left you will find links to the reports on what we've accomplished at each meeting, together with suggestions as to what we'll be doing at the next meeting.   

MA399: Counting with Algebra! | Block 5 | Block 6 | Block 7 | Block 8 | Directory of Related Links

To contact us:

Phone: 719-389-6543
Fax: 719-389-6841

Department of Mathematics
The Colorado College
Colorado Springs, Colorado